
Is "Perfectionism Paralysis" stopping you from marketing your business? I address this in my #MondayMarketingMinute video today. There is no such thing as "perfect". So be sure to consider that it's more important to move forward with marketing that is relevant and consistent so your...

Meet the Experts is pleased to have as our guest, Kevin Perlmutter, founder and President of Limbic Brand Evolution. Limbic helps brand leaders become even better at attracting and retaining customers by turning emotional insight into a competitive advantage. Listen in as Kevin and I...

Ilene Greene, President of MarketShare Communications, interviews Andrea Pass, Founder of Andrea Pass Public Relations, about the importance of using press coverage to build brand awareness, manage company reputation, and drive sales via editorial content and coverage....

 My Monday Marketing Minute this week is about why Content Marketing is so essential and has been one of the most important elements in marketing today! You can't win the war on your competition if you are going to try to outbuy them. Unless you...

It's MarketShare's Monday Marketing Minute. Are you doing the most important things to help your business gain awareness with your prospects and grow? #1 Spend time working on your business #2 Have a strong social media strategy & presence #3 Take advantage of audio & video resources Plant the...

Do you know who your target audience is? Do you know the profile of your perfect client or customer? Watch this video to learn more about where to find your perfect client. Then take the time to profile your target customer or client and create...